Adrian 15th September 2020

I am Adrian Pont and I am one of Clive Ponting’s four cousins; the others are Elizabeth, Philippa and Simon. Our mothers were sisters and our two families, Pont and Ponting, grew up in Bristol and shared many family times together. Subsequently our paths diverged but we met up again from time to time over the years, especially at significant family events and reunions, even in London where Clive and I were working at the time. We lost close touch when he moved to Greece and then to France, but sister Philippa kept in touch with Clive and exchanged family news. She had been puzzled that she had not heard from him this year, and we can now see that losing Diane and then having to deal alone with his grief and his own ill-health were the reasons for this. Now it is good to have this opportunity to share some thoughts and memories of Clive.